Monday, November 19, 2007

Paradoxical Desh

Mera Bharat Mahan!!

It is... what can I say... but that it is great, this nation of ours.

Life here is like in a soap opera. Everyone is in on it.

Don't think that you are living independently, just because you are cosmopolitan. Far from it. Its a symbiosis coupled with Quid pro quo. You do for me - I do for you. You don't bother with me but I may just bother you.

In India, its like - What ever I do will affect at least a number of people. Whether, it is my driving, or something as mundane as leaving the motor running for too long.

You can't lead your life independently in the true sense of the word. I don't at all mean this in the negative sense. You don't exist in this billion people nation - alone. For eg. You car breaks down, well don't think you are in this alone. First thing will be, that it will block a couple of cars behind you, and those in turn will block a couple more... then, there you have it... everyone there - is effected.

You shift in to a new apartment, and you come home late. Soon or later someone is effected. Be it the colony gate keeper. Who will look at you oddly, going forward, or your neighbours, if you share the main gate. Even if you have separate keys - they get affected. Can't explain it all, but they do.

Ever try taking your insulin shot in public. Suddenly every one is effected.
The shot looks like a funky pen, but somehow, its always noticed.

Once two beggar kids had a bet on me. One kid asked... "Didi aap davayi leh rahe theh nah?" He wanted to know... so he could assure the other kid... that it was not some form of LSD or some such.

I love the way that I am not living alone in this nation. How, whether it was a job change or any such thing... unknown people seem to know of it, or have taken part in it.

Though, everyone pretends its not their business to interfere. The only thing that matters to me is that I hope that our people don't become indifferent, in the time of another's need. Especially in times of accidents. They shouldn't in these time, limit themselves from helping, because of apprehensions of, may be getting stuck or blamed for the accident. (Hmm... don't know how I got to this topic - Accidents and indifference)

Moving on... I find that we are not an interfereing lot ... just a concerned bunch!!

Also, we are a reasonable lot. Though the same is used most of the times to hide behind, for justifying our indifference, when there shouldn't be any.

Never-the-less, I love being involved and a part of 'life' here in India

1 comment:

Ashish said...

Hi its ur friend again. After the random thoughts this seems a more sensible comprehension of your observations of life. But don’t you think people want to be observed though they would never admit so. Imagine no body looks or comments on what I am doing (though I do want some specific individuals to ignore me, but not all). Anyways I am happy to be part of this complex behavior of observing and being observed.