Thursday, November 29, 2007

Professional and Personal

Professional is a multi-faceted term.

Moving away ... at a training, I came upon the greatest secret ever!!
ie. the brain can not tell the difference between a real experience and an imaginary one.

This secret, if truly applied, can help you to live your life on your own terms.

It also helps in the power of generation. 'Power of generation' can be used to generate the right emotions to match the situation at hand.

Lets say you have interview scheduled, you can generate your own emotions, making your brain think that you are confident undertaking the profile you have applied for.

Its all in the head. You can use it get what ever you want, or inversely,come in the way of everything you want.

Moving back to 'Professional', don't we tell ourselves that we are all just professionals. So to say, that you are not personally affected by any thing said or done. So, people should never be effected by a professional decision.

What an oxymoronic statement!!

See!! The power of generation, being mis-used!!

We mis-use the power of generation and make ourselves believe what we want to. Something that is easy to follow. Thus making it comfortable.

The home truth is that, mostly all decisions in a professional environment are taken with personal biases and of others.

If the decision is wrong, that has affected a colleague personally, the oxymoronic professional will justify, by saying, it was nothing personal.

Get over it!!

Being 'Professional' means to do your job.

It doesn't mean that you go beyond the charter to take decisions that you, in your personal capacity feel, are decisions that will greatly help the Company.

Also ask your self (if you are driven by the need to go on a limb), that am I making an informed decision? Or, am I just going with the majority opinion?

Because, humans believe in majority opinion. If so many people are saying it, it must be right.

Well, it may be, but there is a possibility that it may not be. (Mob mentality - proof of how wrong one can be, when carried away by numbers).

Never rule out your own senses. What does you own brain tell you. Listen to it. Satisfy your self through information. Them make an informed decision.

This way would be closer to a true professional way.

Also, I have seen that colleagues at work places believe that wrongs done by office colleagues outside the office premises or after office hours, are to be ignored, in the professional environment.

What a load of crap!!

To be a true professional you should have strong ethics, work place or outside.

So if you misbehave with another person, even outside office, well its definitely, a matter of concern for the organisation.

Only, a so called 'Professional' will think it is a personal matter and thus be indifferent.

God gave us a brain. We should use it!!

Even if it means that we are crossing lines that have been laid out by fellow humans.

Everyone knows right from wrong. Its called a conscience. Conscience is an inbuilt tool in us, 'factory fitted'.

It works well, and can make decisions that are right, considering all factors. Don't under estimate this built-in tool, gifted by God.

I think that people should not be shy of listening to their conscience, in any environment, professional or otherwise.

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